Sunday, July 5, 2015

Weight smeight

Everybody wants to be healthy, look good in bikinis, wear short shorts. Good lord its a lot of work. 
{Getting pregnant takes forever} than you don't want to gain to much weight. 
Have baby.. Than breastfeed? Well you have to keep up your exercise and calories because something has to make that milk. 
So everything you do ha makes you fat!!! But I'm a foody I want chocolate cake or feta cheese! I like exercise. I love to sweat but it's time I don't have. What to do with the boys. Stuff like that. Ugh 
I love lifting weights and doing cardio. But I feel silly in the gym I defiantly prefer being in a class with other woman. So here's to my first weight loss challenge!! I paid $20 along with 100 other woman. Every week there will be a challenge and a certain amount of people will win. It's really cool. But here it goes! Tracking my calories.. Walking every night, doing some sort of cardio. Yay to shorty shorts and two piece swimming suits! And looking amazing naked 😂🙏🏼

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