Friday, April 24, 2015

It's Friday

The wee one is trying to walk!!!
collins. if you didn't know. He's standing up and trying to walk around the couch.
not going to happen!! he's supposed to stay little forever.
Cooper hates school. Ugh already. 
postitive note though I got this app igotta or ibotta ha i can't remember you get money back for purchases. so like using  a coupon but not so annoying and time consuming. 
You look on the app before going to the store and see what you can buy and get money back on. Cool thing is you can get any brand bread, milk, veggies, fruits. it's not just one brand. To try it out I went to walgreens and bought a Food network Magazine and got 1.50 back haha not much but it was so fun. Also you can get money back from online stores as well. 
IF you want to make some money not real fast but don't want to have a yard sale. Ebay and KSL. I have put my bed, dresser, cloth diapers, baby stuff, my shirts. Than I print off the shipping label and have keep a stack of shipping envelopes at my house. super easy. you can get on and have them pick it up at your house. or you drop it off in the blue box. 
Also i tried Cheeseburger Soup for the first time tonight. delicious.
here is the link. (skipped the carrots.) 
Sunday we are doing brunch at my grandmas i'm going to try.. mango coconut topping on cheesecakes. & chunky mango gaucamole. pics and recepies coming soon. 
haha mommas sweet boy 

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