Friday, April 24, 2015

It's Friday

The wee one is trying to walk!!!
collins. if you didn't know. He's standing up and trying to walk around the couch.
not going to happen!! he's supposed to stay little forever.
Cooper hates school. Ugh already. 
postitive note though I got this app igotta or ibotta ha i can't remember you get money back for purchases. so like using  a coupon but not so annoying and time consuming. 
You look on the app before going to the store and see what you can buy and get money back on. Cool thing is you can get any brand bread, milk, veggies, fruits. it's not just one brand. To try it out I went to walgreens and bought a Food network Magazine and got 1.50 back haha not much but it was so fun. Also you can get money back from online stores as well. 
IF you want to make some money not real fast but don't want to have a yard sale. Ebay and KSL. I have put my bed, dresser, cloth diapers, baby stuff, my shirts. Than I print off the shipping label and have keep a stack of shipping envelopes at my house. super easy. you can get on and have them pick it up at your house. or you drop it off in the blue box. 
Also i tried Cheeseburger Soup for the first time tonight. delicious.
here is the link. (skipped the carrots.) 
Sunday we are doing brunch at my grandmas i'm going to try.. mango coconut topping on cheesecakes. & chunky mango gaucamole. pics and recepies coming soon. 
haha mommas sweet boy 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

saturday comes after friday

We love Saturday nights at our house. Garth is usually home. we get to watch the movies we've been saving all week. BIg Hero 6 (sign up for the Disney Movie Club). We usually get Cafe Rio for some reason haha but tonight we did crepes. or my grandpa called them roll ups growing up. heres the reciepe. 
we messed the first two up and they were still amazing to eat. even picky butt cooper ate two. with nutella of course. i made the filling in the receipe and it was amazing as well, i put chopped strawberrys in it. 

so ive been watching shark tank its on hulu. There are some really cool things on there. Luminaid is one im going to use in my chirstmas boxes i do for the samaratians purse. I bought neatcheeks. pipcorn (mini popcorn with flavors) my grandma will love it. But neetcheaks I am so amazed by these. They have a IG account and a website. I paid 18.00 for 6 packs. they are flavored stevia face wipes for kids. My boys get so dirty somehow even after we leave the house in the car. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

one more..

well i just read Wild and it was awesome. The movie wasn't as good but it was still really good. Reese Witherspoon amazing!! I love the whole concept of walking over a 1000 miles to prove to yourself you are not a POS. I told Garth I wanted to do the ACT it's from like New Hampshire to Maine yeah that may of been totally wrong but haha it's not in the desert. 

Collins had his first Easter. It was so much fun. We went on a picnic with the family. 
Cooper had so much fun in the dirt all day. He got so tan. 
Collins played in his walker and took a nap.
Seeing Cooper on Easter is the best thing ever he gets so excited. He loves looking for eggs. 
Collins is turning into a daddys boy. He had so much fun on his fourwheeler ride.
the Easter bunny brought Cooper a playhouse by little tikes. He doesnt love it i thought he would so we decided to make his wishes come true and buy him a motorcycle! 
I found one on KSL garth drove to Morgan and got it. He loves it. I was so nervous. Cooper is so small he's only 29lbs. but I couldn't let that take him away from getting something he's always wanted. We put some trainers on him and off he went. He was fast. Scared me to death. He wanted to go over all the jumps. He than crashed when his training wheel hit the sidewalk ugh. I than spent $306 on a helmet, pants, shirt, chest protector, kneck brace, gloves. haha he's ready to ride like a demon!! 

it has been forever

well let's see..

Collins my sweet baby is now 7 months.
he crawls, he jabbers, he sits up, he eats food, he just fell over haha oh and he sticks everything in his mouth. 
where does times go?? im glad he is learning new things because i can't wrap my mind around him being so big!! 
Cooper is going to Kindergarten in September. ugh haha i will soon be a old woman. 
On a side note... i'm tired of all these blogs and articles about woman who choose their kids over their husbands, like in what world is that wrong?? I had these babies I grew them in me for 9 months. I love my husband very much. I've been his girl for almost 10 years! but to say i would choose him over my boys... thats obsurd. okay momma and daddy time (sex) has been put on the back burner times before. but I still feel the same love i had for him when i was 15. i get butterflys when i see him come home. I don't see us growing apart because I let my boys sleep with us. I don't see us divorcing because we don't have sex 7 time a week. I see us growing old together and I see us taking trips together when our boys go to college. I see us alone in our house when we have no more kids in the house. we just have 18 years or maybe more (stay at home sons) to get threw to rasie our boys right. Everything takes time. Now lets quit acting like marriage is so hard that living with someone is so hard. Put your anger and your comments on paper or take it to a friend. Not everything has to be a challenge. 
My grandparents have been together for 54 years. My grandpa is a pain in the ass, he's judgemental, he's rude, makes awful comments about people, but my grandma stayed with him. There were times she said that she should have left him but she made a vow in front of God. and she's sticking with it. 
So speak up tell your spouse about your problems. Tell him or her about your feelings. Tell them that something they did hurt your feelings. How are they supposed to know if you dont say anything. 
hahah that is as good as it gets for pics.