Thursday, November 13, 2014

Christmas with kiddos

I'm It's fun, exciting, etc etc
But expensive as well... 
I really need to stop buying cooper "things" at the store during the year he might actually want something at Christmas time. Now that he's older and a big brother we are starting a new tradition of; want, need, wear, read. He wants every Xbox game in the world!! But so does his dad. He loves toys like action figures but only for like a week.. Or they lost. He loves guns!!! Like love love loves but he has 26 😣 it was rough this year. So for his want he got a Nerf zombie slayer cross bow {loves Darryl and walking dead} it looks real fun so I went ahead and bought my nephew one to! {NEED} he needs to leave my kindle alone haha so I got him a iPad mini 3. {Don't know what the 3 stands for but} cellular + wifi perfect for him he's obbssed with YouTube so now he can throw his cute little frog head phones and watch it in the car. Target I'm here to tell you get that app you will love looking and buying while your up at 12 am feeding your fat boy. {WEAR} he gets clothes all year so it's not like he's hurting and he doesn't demand clothes YET so I got him biz and woody pjs from target and than in the book orders this month they had gifts with books. So I bought him llama llama books so cute btw and an elf book with a elf. Ordered the cutest Santa sacks from IG with his name on it. One for Collins to. Collins also gets clothes all year and he can't demand anything yet. So he got mud pie jammies and a touch n feel book teething toys and a play mat 


November- my favorite

It could be that it's my birthday month! 
At 24 I still love my birthday. Cake and dinner presents. My hubby and kiddos buy me the best cards ha. This year we are going to mesquite as a family to watch my nephew play football. I love slot machines and my family! So what better way to celebrate. {early}
I took it upon myself to buy me some gifts. I had no idea the boutiques you could shop from on IG. My favorite has to be sevencoboutique ❤️❤️
I love flannel oh my word it's so cute!! Plus this has a hood sooo score! And that sweater is too cute with leggings. Plus we have a ulta now and I go there oh once a week 😳😊 your birthday month you get double reward points. So why not Christmas shop! 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

OCC and Christmas

It's so that time. But this is not a detailed post about Christmas but more operations Christmas child. I found the idea on Pinterest and immediately fell in love. Helping children get small meaningful Christmas presents. Yes!! I found 15 shoe boxes and went cray at the Walgreens discount section. Why Walgreens and not the dollar store. Wellll these kids will use these items for along time and probably multiple times!! Why buy them junk. Quality not quantity!! I've always lived that way. So I bought boys 2/4 and 10/14 age groups. Tool sets and soccer balls with pumps. More pictures as I go. 

Collins 2 months.

My baby is 2 months. What!!!!! 
He's so funny. Loves his brudder. He's so smiley now. He loves to be naked all my children do! And loves tummy time. But only on dads chest :/ he loves the Mimi aka binky what do you call your binks?? We spend lots of alone time. 2 hours for 4 days. And that's awesome for him and me. We shower or tubby. Watch our shows. Have boob juice. I want them both to remember their child hoods as the best time of their life! I clean yes ha on Mondays and at night when dads home. But if coop wants to play zombies or mine craft than I stop and play unless I'm feeding baby. How do you manage a house & babies!??