Coop is now obsessed with paper!! Holey Cow... He will tear any magazine up in seconds. He exotically loves the white see threw envelopes your bills come in. He finds little pieces of paper everywhere i can never miss one day of vacuuming. I now have to call him beast!
He loves music.. he loves it loud and noisy example: Poison ha the 80's rock band. Hes quite spoiled. Always wanting to be held or cuddled. Now he can crawl HES EVERYWHERE. putting cords in his mouth so we had to baby proof the house. Never new i would have to so soon.
Yelling he looooves to yell. Stop.Yell. its his new game.
Splasing in the tub or trying to roll over. He cant sit up which is weird ha. so he cant go in the tub yet. But soon hopefully hes getting to big for his baby tub.
Eating baby food 3 times a day.!! im running out of food alll the time. He eats way to much He loves it though so we'll keep dishing it in to him.